DP Marketing Core Values
To be the preferred services provider;
Focus on mid to upper management prospects only;
Constant in-house training and service development (i.e. good at the basics);
Developing long term relationships;
Service excellence with regular client contact.
Financial consultants with small and medium brokerages/companies
DP Marketing specialises in making appointments for Financial Consultants – both tied agents and independent brokerages.
These appointments are a sales & marketing opportunity for Financial Consultants to grow their client base with individuals who are interested in a financial needs analysis.
Appointments are made with individuals in the private and professional sector.
DP Marketing provides all the leads, and make the actual appointments for you, which are in your geographical area, with individuals in your required target market.
How we work
There are many methods in commercial business in particular that can be used to generate new business, particularly if you have chosen to build your own business.
We focus on cold canvassing appointments for brokers in the life and investment insurance industries.
We discuss and create with the positive listener an interest in getting their personal long term risk insurance planning updated, the introductions to new product ranges and updates, also areas where the individual may have been neglected to keep up to date or may not have been properly serviced by a broker. This is done by offering them a comparative review on their financial planning portfolio.
Appointments are white labelled for you. The prospect will know who you are, where you are from, and why you are coming.
Appointment can be made to meet the prospect face-to-face or online, depending on their preference.
In a nutshell: DP Marketing, offers a business system that creates a "foot in the door" appointment opportunity for the broker in which he/she has the possibility of acquiring new clients.
Tips for success
To make sure you get the value for your time invested we have made a short list of to do’s, to assist you with your success;
Stay focussed;
Confirm appointments;
Don't be late;
Develop long term relationships;
Stay in contact;
Ask for referrals;
Do not give up too soon.